Tips Agar Anak Mendengar Kata

Tips for listening to baby sounds

Tips Agar Anak Mendengar Kata

Many parents complain about their children's stubbornness. He commanded many times, spoke many times, still did not move. The more guilt, the worse. Eventually, the parents lose patience and yell at the children to cooperate.

Obedient children are not raised with abuse or punishment. Our goal for loyalty comes from their understanding. So naturally we teach children to obey so that they understand that obedience is only a positive value.

But raising obedient children is not an easy process. But of course being lame is not impossible. Everything requires patience and hard work on the part of parents. How to train children and make them more compelling:

1. Be consistent
To teach children to be more obedient, we must consistently establish rules. If we prevent him from playing on the track today, tomorrow, tomorrow and the day after, this rule must be in effect. Children always want to break the rules, but parents should be strict, especially the rules that protect them.

2. Be humble
Children often react badly when we get angry and yell at them. Being tough doesn't mean we have to break down a lot. With hardness we can still be soft. As parents, we need to understand our children's feelings and emphasize/explain why they should follow our rules and regulations.

3. Give an example
This is the most effective way to coerce children. What example should they set? Don't be a "crab telling her kids to fix it". Just as I forbid them to throw so they don't see us breaking the rules, many times they see us throw too.

4. Praise children
Feel free to praise children when they do something we encourage. Let's at least thank you for following our instructions. In this way, children feel more valued for their efforts.

5. Provide an explanation
Explain to children our good intentions and purpose in making laws so that they understand why they must obey the law. When they know the rules are for their own benefit, God will help them follow them more easily.


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