Manfaat Senaman Kagel Untuk Wanita Yang Sudah Berkahwin

Benefits of Kagel Exercises for Married Women

Manfaat Senaman Kagel Untuk Wanita Yang Sudah Berkahwin

Have you ever heard of Kegel exercises? Let's find out here the benefits of Kagel exercises for you.
In our society, Kegel exercises are not a strange practice. In fact, it is a popular exercise among women, especially those who are married and have just given birth.

This exercise is the choice of many women, but it is generally not talked about much. This is because it is still taboo and many women are ashamed to talk about it even when they are with each other. Maybe it's because he's attracted to difficult women and feels he doesn't need to be too open.

This exercise is known as Kegel exercises in association with the name of the founder who introduced this exercise, Dr. Arnold Kegel.

What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are exercises that strengthen the muscle pool. The pelvic floor muscles are made up of many muscles that move the back and base of the legs. This muscle holds the uterus (womb) and urinary bladder (bladder) and is rarely noticed except for the occasional massage or stroke.

The strength of the woman is found in this muscle group, i.e. the muscles of the vagina. Most women experience muscle weakness during difficult times. The cause of muscle weakness in this area is age, childbirth, obesity or genetics.

Functions of Kegel exercises

There are many benefits to doing Kegel exercises regularly. Amongst other things:

1) Overcomes urinary problems

Often women have to face this problem, especially those who are pregnant and postpartum. Sudden loss of urine when you cough or sneeze is a common problem.

This practice can reduce the indirect problems.

2) Increases the quality of sexual intercourse

Perhaps before, many women were ashamed to admit that they had problems with sexual dissatisfaction with their partners, because the vagina was not compressed, especially in those who had just given birth.

With this exercise, it helps to strengthen and tighten the muscles of the vagina, as well as to improve the quality of sex with your partner.

3) Reduces swallowing problems

This Kegel exercise is also believed to reduce constipation problems faced by women during menstruation. Vaginal muscle weakness can occur during menstruation when there is bleeding during menstruation.

Doing Kegel exercises will help strengthen your weak pelvic floor muscles. This exercise strengthens your pelvic area.

4) overcome reproductive problems

Often this problem occurs in pregnant women. One of the complications of a miscarriage is when a pregnant woman stands up or stretches. In addition, it can also be caused by weak uterine muscles.

Kegel exercises not only strengthen the vagina, but also strengthen the muscles of your uterus, so it can indirectly reduce this problem.

Dear you are doing Kegel exercises.

There are different ways to do Kegel exercises. You can sit, stand or lie in different ways.

Hold your breath while doing Kegel exercises. Try squeezing your penis when you need to urinate (always skip this as it can lead to a long pee) or when your urine is empty.

Hold for 10 seconds and release as usual. Repeat 25 times in one session and three times a day. If you can expel the air without moving your legs, it means that your throat muscles are strong enough.

Do this exercise consistently for satisfactory results. If you are still stuck with the same problem, you should see a sick doctor to get the right advice.

Kegel exercises can definitely help with back pain in women. As a woman, you are advised to do this. Not only to satisfy yourself, but also to be healthy and happy in your life.

Source :
Benefits of Kagel Exercise for Married Women


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